An itch to install arch linux

So I decided to try Arch Linux. It’s not that I disliked Manjaro, in fact I really liked it. Arch was more like an itch I needed to scratch. The Arch install is not very easy and it installs no extra packages. When I say it’s bare bones I mean you have to specify every single package that you want. The install was fairly straight forward as I have been doing a manual installation with Manjaro. One of the issues I had was that the Arch install media is just a simple shell, no windows manager, that means no copy and paste. It makes it hard to copy the UUID for the encrypted drive. The work around I found was that the Arch installer did support SSH. I was able to SSH into the installer on my other computer and use a fully functional shell to copy and paste. My install is getting fairly complex with BTRFS and disk encryption. I also don’t want GRUB to do the decryption and instead use the kernel. That mean not having an encrypted /boot partition. I also had trouble installing KDE tools. It turns out is was a bug in a package. I could have waited until it got fixed, but I chrooted into from the installer and got the package to install. Now my Arch install is up and running with KDE. I was able to do my KDE customization without much difficulty, as it pretty fresh from last week. I’m pretty much set up and just installing tons of packages. I keep finding thing I need but with pacman, yay and pamac I’m all set finding packages.

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